Thursday, May 10, 2007

Intro to Humboldtistan Daily News

Greetings From Most Glorious Humboldtistan!
A blog about life behind Northern California’s Redwood Curtain.

Why “Humboldtistan?”

Imagine a remote, mountainous nation, somewhat isolated and cut off from the rest of the world, technologically behind the times, governed by tribal, warring factions vying for power over obscure local institutions virtually unheard of in the outside world. In these internecine conflicts, democratic process is routinely subverted by manipulative, insider cliques. Much of this remote region’s population seems to be living in a bygone era, clinging to archaic worldviews and dated traditions. Strangers are viewed with distrust by a populace fearful of outsiders and it is difficult for newcomers to move there or get established unless they are accepted into one of the secretive social circles. Perhaps the most cosmopolitan aspect of this country is its export of illegal drugs. This persists despite the occasional and ineffective intervention attempts by U.S. government forces or their local proxies. The ever-widening economic divide, between those who have drug profits and those who do not, creates a situation where conspicuous wealth resides side-by-side with poverty, hunger and homelessness. The remoteness and isolation from the rest of the world creates a situation where technology, information, culture, health care and common services and material goods that most modern societies take for granted are often difficult to find or overly expensive to obtain. Superstition is rampant.

Welcome to Humboldtistan, California, U.S.A.

Don’t get me wrong, I love our little country and its quaint and quirky ways. I love the Eel River, the Redwoods, the nice summers, the views, the Lost Coast, the salmon, the rebellious, outlaw culture where most anything goes. I’m grateful for fact that diversity of opinions and cultures is widely tolerated. I appreciate those aspects of small-town life that are conducive to community and a sense of belonging. There is a lot here that makes it a good place to live, but there is also a lot missing and a lot that needs changing. There is trouble in paradise and this is my opinion on it.

Since I live in Southern Humboldt, that’s primarily what I intend to write about. The above description of the mythical Humboldtistan is based on my view of SoHum and Northern Mendocino and The Community Formerly Known As Mateel (Tcfkam). There are things here that we all take for granted that others will find quaint, bizarre or terrifying—or all of these at once. I know this because I travel frequently and whenever I describe this place, the reactions are always extreme. Like, for example, when I matter-of-factly described how my neighbors stay up all night cutting up cars with axes. By my listeners’ jaw-dropping expressions of disbelief, you’d think cutting up cars with axes in the middle of the night wasn’t normal behavior. Huh? It’s not? Oh. Welcome to Humboldtistan.


Anonymous said...

Nice site, Mr. Mite! What inttrigues me is the possible reasons WHY Humboltistan has evolved into the mix that it is. There's a fair amount you describe that is typical of rural areas, especially those convenient to major metropolitan areas.

But much that is far from typical as well!

Was the hippie influx the unique factor? What, several decades later, has been its lasting effects?

Anonymous said...

Anyplans on a piece about wannabe journalists and political gadflies like douglas and bravo?

Anonymous said...

Any plans on a piece about hack editors with an axe to grind like hank sims and kevin hoover who undermine their own claims of professionalism by endlessly filling the blogs with attacks on charles douglas as if he were the second coming of lucifer?

Anonymous said...

Mr Mite... WOW what has become of G-Ville... It brings back so many great memories of growing up in Honeydew and the great times I had at Raggie as a kid, working with the Hog Farm and benifits at the round house. I guess times are a changing...

Anonymous said...

Schwazistan, a small hypocracy in the amorphously bordered (because, really, who cares about lines on the ground) People's Republic of Slackia, asserts its rightful place as
sultanate of smug in the larger
amalgamation that is, or by rites ought to be, Humboldtistan.